Tuesday 25 October 2011

All About Hacking

Hacking - To Hack something means to Manipulate Something to their Bidding, it is mostley done on Technology and can be very Dangerous and Advanced.

Who Can Be A Hacker? - Anyone can be a Hacker as long as they are Technically Clever and know how to Hack something properly, if they don't they could cause some serious Damage.

Information is Power - By Information is Power, I think They mean that they mean you can be vey Powerful depending on how much Information you have and what kind of Information you have, so if you have Top Secret Information - that makes you very Powerful because alot of people would be at Mercy of you and that Information.

1- In 'The Net', Sandra Bullock had been sent a Floppy Disk by a Friend she had never seen. On the same day, he set off to meet Her, He travelled by Plane and was Relying on the Plane Radar to help him get to the Landing, but the Radar was Hacked, which resulted his death due to a Plane Crash.
2- When Sandra Bullock - In the Movie as 'Angela Bennett' - set off to go on her Holiday, the Flight Schedule had changed Statues to 'Cancelled' for a few Hours until the Flight was ready. The Flight Schedule had been Hacked and Changed her Flight Time so She could arrive at the time suitable for her Enemies.
3- In the Movie, the Main Character's Personal Information is changed to Ruth Marx and she is given a Criminal Record. Her Governmental Files had been Hacked in which resulted Bennett having to be on the run from the Police.
4- In 'The Net', Angela's trusted Friend suggests her having an appointment with His Friend which is from the FBI. Later on in the Movie, an apparent FBI Agent finds Angela and tells her that He is that FBI Agent she was supposed to meet. He wasn't, the FBI Files had been Hacked into and that Resulted the Identity of an FBI Agent being stolen and used.

5- In the Movie, Bennet sneaks into an Office to Repair the Damage done to Her Identity, as she needed time, She Hacked into the Security Alarm System and created a Fake Alarm to evacuate the Building. That Resulted to her finding the Key to Unlock the Truth of the 'Trusted' Security Program.

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