Wednesday 14 December 2011

AI - Artificial Intelligence

1 - This Movie is set in the future when people have started inventing Humanoid Robots or as they call it – Mechas. In the time, they had already made very vast improvements concerning Technology and it is also very advanced, but Professor Hobby wanted to make a Mecha that can love, so David is created.
After a terrible accident, a family’s only son – Martin Swinton - was badly injured and they are told that he might not make the surgery, so the boy’s father – Henry Swinton – brings home David for a “Project”, the Mother – Monica Swinton - takes a long time to get used to David but she agrees. Then, after Martin miraculously survives the surgery and comes home, David and Martin become jealous of each other and have rivalry’s, and after some life-to-death situations, Monica is forced to send David away, where she leaves him in a jungle like clearing with Teddy and tells him to stay away from the Humans. Abandoned, David now wishes he could be a real boy so that his Mum would love him and he could go back home and wants to look for the Blue Fairy. Though, after being captured and sent to a Mecha Flesh Fair were Mechas are killed or harmed on stage, he is saved by how human he acts and looks – unlike other Mechas, David pleaded for his life. He meets another Mecha called Joe and set out to look for the Blue Fairy. After finding the “Blue Fairy” under water, he stays underwater with Teddy were “she” stands and stays for 2000 years until he freezes and is found by highly advanced alien-looking humanoid forms, he finds that after reading his mind they have re-built the Swinton’s House and with a bit of her DNA Teddy had picked up, They managed to bring back Monica, the only person David wanted to see, they only had one day for each other before she died again.

2 - "To create an artificial being has always been the dream of man since the birth of Science." - I think that statement is so because building something that you have made to suit yourself and you can control to suit yourself is probably very satisfying. Also to create something as complex as the human body – which is very complicated – would probably be an achievement every scientist dreams of. Scientists are so fascinated with trying to build Artificial Beings that can do things because they know it is advanced or a new breach of Technology – depends on what you want to build.

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