Tuesday 3 January 2012


Ancient forms of Communications
I. Hieroglyphic: Hieroglyphics are pictures that relate to the actual thing, they have an alphabet of pictures but that doesn’t include vowels.
II. Stained Glass: Stained Glass window were made for the commoners, people who usually couldn’t read or right, they show scenes and pictures of the Bible so people could understand the Bible visually.
III. Cro-Magnon Pictures: These pictures were beautiful pictures that the Cro-Magnon drew; they basically tell us what animals they saw and hunted.
IV. Cuneiform: this communication is a form of writing that shows little pictures of ideas, sounds etc… Cuneiform means wedge shaped.
V. Chinese Writing: This type of writing is basically not made of letter but each symbol is a word, it is written from top to bottom. There are 56,000 characters/symbols in Chinese writing.
VI. Phoenician Alphabet: This Alphabet is easy and convenient; it includes 22 characters and is the root of many of our modern alphabets, including some ancient ones: including Latin and Greek.
VII. Hebrew & Aramaic Scrolls: They are much older than any other biblical scrolls or books. They were lost for a long time until a shepherd found then around about 1947.
VIII. Mayan Hieroglyphics: these hieroglyphics were found carved on pyramids and other structures. The Mayans also wrote on paper made of tree bark. Over 800 hieroglyphs have been found through still the Mayan hieroglyphics are still not fully deciphered.
IX. Book of Kells (Latin): this book was created in Ireland 800. It contains the four gospels of the Bible, is written on calfskin, and is said to be a beautiful manuscript.

Modern forms of Communications
1. Smiley’s: smileys are little icons also known as ‘Emotions’. They are used in communication sites to express feeling or different meanings of phrases and your writing.
2. Reading: In the past reading wasn’t an option to commoners or people without a lot of money. Then when the printing press was invented, people were able the mass-produce books and reading equipment so learning to read and write became more common.
3. Musical Notes: These symbols often drawn as - ♪, allow musicians to play music off of the page. There are lots of different kinds of music so there are lots of different types of notes.
4. Braille: This type of communication was created for the Blind, they are a combination of raised dots, it is read left to right and with one or two of your index fingers.
5. Sound Waves: These waves are used to create soundtracks. Sound waves can also be manipulated or ‘Sampled’
6. Dance Notes: These were created to make is easier for choreographers to record the dances they created. The notes indicate to different parts of your body or different places.
7. Signal Flags: They allow ships to communicate without electronic means. This is convenient because it disables all radio hacking. There are two different types of Flag communication.
8. Morse Code: A simple though complex way of communicating quickly over Radio Frequencies. It was more often used in the past, though it is still used in the present for emergencies.
9. Computers: Computers are programmed with computer programmes. These set setting into computers to make them what they are, a complex machine used a lot in daily life because in it convenient.

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