Thursday 19 January 2012


1) In simple words, SOPA & PIPA are bills of laws that might be passed if we don't do something. They will make it unable for Internet users to access sharing sites, downloading sites, video and other sites.
2) I think it is peoples business what they access or not, the consequences will be theirs. But I also think that the government should not control what sites we can access, because that will be against our free will.
3) I think this action will trespass on our freedom to go on the Internet, also I think I could do some harm to the Internet but I think it will do more harm to the Government’s reputation.
4) If this action is set forward, it will harm the rights of Canadians, because they are guaranteed to Canadians but this will rid them of some of those rights.
5) It isn’t justified that the American Government makes a decision that affects the world, because countries have their own right to do what they want with their countries – there is no question to it. – I think that if the American Government does this, then they will do more harm to themselves than internet freedom.

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